
Black & White ArtSimple Coloured ArtBackground ArtLogo Design
Portrait ($80USD)Portrait ($100USD)Simple BG ($150USD+)Not available at the moment
Full Body ($150USD)Full Body ($200USD)Complex BG ($200USD+) 
+$50USD per additional character+$100USD per additional character+$20-$30USD per each variation 
  • Prior to ordering, please make sure to read the Terms of Service (TOS).

  • All payments are processed through PayPal. Client is responsible with covering PayPal fees.

  • All orders will be provided as a .PNG file.

  • All background art will be 1980x1080 unless client requests otherwise.

  • I have the right to refuse any order if I feel that I am uncomfortable with the order and/or unable to work on it.

  • All orders will be posted on my portfolio upon completion but can be negotiated.

  • Prices may change depending on the complexity of the art.

Terms of Service

I. Payment

  • All payments are processed through PayPal invoice. No other forms of payments will be accepted.

  • Client is required to pay two invoices: the first half of the payment and the remaining amount once art is completed (e.g. Client has placed an order for a single character with simple colour style, fullbody ($200). After client has approved the rough sketch, client will receive the first invoice with an amount of $100. Once art is completed, another invoice will be sent for the remaining amount of $100).

  • Note that any orders less than $100 will be paid in full and will only be billed one invoice.

  • Client is responsible with covering PayPal fees.

II. Refunds

  • In the event client is no longer able to afford the order due to personal issues, please contact myself (the artist) as soon as possible. Note that I will still need to be compensated for the work but the amount can be negotiated.

  • In the event I (the artist) am no longer able to complete the client's art, a full refund will be given to the client.

  • No refund will be given after the artwork has been completed and/or delivered.

III. Delivery

  • Current wait times for art is 2-3 weeks (the artist has a demanding full-time job). If communication is slow or the Artist must wait on content from the Client to complete the image, it will take longer. Due dates will be accepted on a case by case basis but are not accepted often.

  • The more complex the artwork will be, the longer it will take to be completed.

  • The client will be notified if an extension or delay is expected.

  • All completed work will be provided as a .PNG file.

  • All background art will be 1980x1080 unless client requests otherwise.

IV. Rights of Usage

  • The Artist retains ALL the rights to the commissioned piece and the rights to post it on any personal website, gallery, journal, etc., and print or possibly sell merchandise of it.

  • I have the right to refuse any order if I feel that I am uncomfortable with the order and/or unable to work on it.

  • All orders will be posted on my portfolio upon completion but can be negotiated.

  • Client must be at least 18 years or older to order any type of commissioned artwork. No exceptions.

  • Client may use their commissioned artwork as illustrations for their RPs, avatars, profiles, references, they may be cropped, re-uploaded (with a credit to myself, the artist).

  • Client is not permitted to profit from the artwork beyond the resale of a physical original painting or drawing (traditional media, not digital). This does not apply to any background art or logo designs used for Visual Novel projects.

  • Client is free to print out commissioned artwork for personal use (e.g. display in their home). I am more than happy to provide the appropriate resolution and file suited for printing.

  • Client may resize or crop the artwork to create icons, wallpapers or other graphics to be use in a non-commercial digital format, but may not alter the artwork itself.

  • If you are not the client, you may not under any circumstance edit and/or re-upload my art, credit or no credit.

  • Under no circumstances anyone is permitted use my artwork for NFT, AI training/usage or commercial use.

V. Creative Process

  • To check my current prices, please go here.

  • Please see the list of things I will and will not draw under VI. Will Draw | Won't Draw below.

  • Complete the form provided under VIII. Order Form below and submit it. Once I have the chance to review it, I will reach out to client if I am able to work on it.

VI. Will Draw | Won't Draw

  • Will draw the following:

  • Any Gender

  • Fanart

  • Original Characters

  • Simple backgrounds

  • Nudity (as long as content is consensual and characters are of legal age)

  • Will NOT draw the following:

  • Text-only based descriptions of characters

  • Real life people

  • Minors or questionably aged characters (who appear underage) in indecent positions/situations

  • Anything mecha, robots

  • Fan Art

  • Complex Backgrounds (only applies to character arts e.g. simple coloured art and black and white art)

  • Alter anyone else's artwork

VIII. Order Form